Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Today is Wednesday aka Hump Day. Though i do love Hump days this whole year is killing me from the inside all the way out. I hate having to wake up every day to go to a school full of people i don`t like so i can get a piece of paper that means i have passed High School. It seams pointless, i wish our society as we know it was destroyed so we could roam free around the world without boarders. As Humans we choke the Earth with a tight grip. We litter the Earth with our empty bottles and wrappers that are used for a hour or so. We pollute the Earth with its own blood (oil) 24/7 so we can drive around pointlessly looking for that something that will satisfy you till its worn out of broken. This isn't how the earth should be, It should be full of plant and animals not sky scrapers and bullshit cities. we are decedents of monkeys who and what gave gave us the wright to do this to such a beautiful thing.

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